Saturday, March 14, 2009

Twilight cast is boon to Philip Morris!

I've been noticing for a while that cigarettes are more in vogue now than they were when I was in D.A.R.E. programs or when I was in high school (class of 2004). OK, I admit I have a huge nostalgia for the '90s. But I really think that cigarettes are perceived as more "cool" than they were several years ago. I think this coincided with the whole emo/hipster, skinny jeans thing becoming trendy and overtaking the preppy/pretty thing as being the "thing" for young adults/teens to wear or buy into.

The young cast of Twilight is a perfect example of the appeal of cigarettes to young, impressionable minds. K-stew and Rpatz are often photographed smoking. Teens actively Google or are exposed to paparazzi photos of their fave celebs 24/7. Billions of tween girls have seen pix of Rpatz smoking and I know that must affect their D.A.R.E. sensibilities somehow.

So, my thesis is that K-stew and Rpatz and Nikki Reed and all the rest of them lighting up are making bank for Big Tobacco, more bank than Philip Morris could have asked for.
Especially when they wear those Raybans sunglasses, or those striped blazers...they make it look so damn cool!!

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