Saturday, March 14, 2009

did U go to the midnight showing?

Has anyone ever gone to a midnight showing, of anything?

I never have, and I never really thought I would need to. Not even for X-Men 2, X-Men 3, Matrix Reloaded, or Matrix Revolutions (that would have been a mistake anyway!).

But I think for New Moon I will have to go to the midnight showing!!!

There's just so much energy in the midnight showing, I really think I have to experience it. I've immersed myself so deep in this Twilight quagmire that I might as well.

As Edward says--Since I'm going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.

Not that seeing New Moon would be hell! :P

Anyway, I made this decision after seeing this clip on Youtube, which is from a screening at Comic-Con 2008 (apparently Comic-Con is Mecca for sci-fi/fantasy fan meet and greets):

So, I want to be one of those screaming girls. Just being thorough.

Do U know what Ur doing November 20, 2009?

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